LC-OCD (Liquid Chromatography Organic Carbon Detection) is used to charactarise NOM. A technique developed by DOC-Labor is used for this. The NOM is chromatographically separated by size, and detected with an on-line DOC detector. In a reactor, a very thin film of eluent is formed, which is irradiated with UV light. The organic material is instantaneously converted into CO2, which is then measured with an infrared detector. Doing so, six different fractions can be distinguished in the chromatogram from a concentration of 0.2 mg carbon/l.
What is LC-OCD used for?
The method is mainly used to study the performance of purification techniques, e.g., in pilot plants. This includes research into the removal of (parts of) NOM by membrane filtration, ion exchange, advanced oxidation and activated carbon. The method also appears to be suitable to study the cause of membrane contamination.
Our method is accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council (L404).