



Het Waterlaboratorium works within strict frameworks. We meet every legally prescribed standard, which is assigned with the internationally recognized quality standard NEN-EN-ISO / IEC 17025. This has been granted to us by the Dutch Accreditation Council under registration number L404. Het Waterlaboratorium uses a strict internal quality system. This is established in a Manual, in accordance with the regulations of the Dutch Accreditation Council. We also analyze the most current developments in our field. This is achieved by attending symposia, updating professional literature, and through our (inter) national contacts with fellow laboratories.


The regulation of water is of great importance to public health, so good quality is a must. To guarantee this quality, there are a number of certificates and accreditations that are awarded by various institutions. Het Waterlaboratorium is in possession of all necessary certificates. Below you can find additional information about the institutions that assign these certificates.

Dutch Accreditation Council

The Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) is a Dutch institution that originated in 1995 from the Netherlands Calibration Organization (NKO), the Foundation for Recognition for Laboratories and Inspection Institutions (STERLAB / STERIN), and the Council for Certification (RvC). These predecessors were all founded by or on the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The primary task of the RvA is to verify that bodies active in the field of laboratory testing, inspection, calibration, and certification comply with the accreditation standards. For this, international (ISO) and European standards (EN standards) are used. Since January 1, 2008, the organization for accreditation of medical laboratories (CCKL) has merged with the Dutch Accreditation Council.

The work of the RvA is checked by international accreditation bodies by means of peer review. Based on such peer reviews, the RvA is admitted to the Multilateral Recognition Agreements in Europe (EA-MLA) and beyond (IAF-MLA and ILAC-MRA).

As of 1 January 2010, the Dutch Accreditation Council has been designated by law as the Dutch Accreditation Body, referred to European Regulation (EC) 765/2008. Consequently, the board of the RvA has become an independent administrative body.